Contact Us
By Phone, Fax, or E-Mail Toll Free: 1-855-233-6070 --- Orders & Customer Service: --- Sales: --- Technical Support: --- Our Location Corporate mailing address Compliance Safety655 Wheat Ln Wood Dale IL 60191
IF WE DON'T HAVE IT, WE’LL RUN IT DOWN! Wherever you are, Compliance Safety is there with you! |
Key email addresses
Whether you need more information about a product, have a question, or want to know more about the services we offer, our knowledgeable Customer Service Reps are here to help.
Account Managers give you personalized service by providing high volume quotes and meeting your individual needs. Our Account Reps are here to help you with special discounted pricing and services.
Our Technical Support Representatives are extensively trained on products and the latest safety regulations - if you have a question, they have the answer.
Do you want to show off your company's logo or send a specific message? You can with custom ordering. We offer various products that can be customized such as hard hats and signs.
We're continually expanding our product lines to meet the ever-changing needs of our customers. If you're looking for a specific product you'd like us to carry, or are a manufacturer with products you'd like us to know about, please contact us.
Our subscribe editor is the one to contact if you'd like to be removed from our mailing and/or e-mail list. You can also use the Contact Preferences link on the My Account page. Please note that you may continue to receive mailings already in process at the time of your request.
Have a question or comment about our site? A recommendation or suggestion? Drop us a line. We'd love to hear from you.
Key Contacts
Scott Sorensen - President & CFO